Cold sore virus: Herpes (HSV1)


[00:00:00] Okay, we're doing a quick herpes, herpes one, not herpes down there, but herpes one can be down there. So herpes one. Here's what you need to know. Tons of us have it, like at least 50% of us, but a lot of us have not been tested for it, so we don't know because if we don't have cold sores, we wouldn't know we have herpes one.

I myself have definitely been exposed to it because I checked my blood work cuz I wanted to prove to all of you guys when I say I might have. because people in my life that I love, that I, you know, have kissed casually, um, get cold sourced. So I knew that I was probably exposed. I knock on wood, don't get cold sores though.

If I did, I would take val checks, which is the medicine to help prevent it. And there's natural things like lysine that you can do. It's very common. It is not dangerous. Here are the butts you can transmit. Herpes one, HSV one. I'm pointing here cuz it's typically around your mouth. Genitally. So if you gave someone oral sex of either variety.

You can give it to them, but what if I don't have a cold sore? You can still give it to them. So what if I didn't even know I had it? You can still give it to them. So the point is [00:01:00] not, oh my God, it's so scary, but oh, all right. If I'm going to proceed with an adult endeavor and I'm going to have sex, I have to accept that if I do anything, there's a chance I'm going to either receive or transmit herpes one.

Without a cold sore, you can still transmit it. Yes, it's less likely, but you can still shed the virus without having a cold sore. Have I said that enough? Um, how would you know You have it is get your blood tested because they check for the antibodies. If you do have it, should you not have sex? No. I mean, no.

If you don't want to, don't, but that's not a reason is say, I'm never going to, it's something that in an ideal. partners would all talk about with each other. I know we're not there yet because there's still so much stigma that we should really take away because again, at least 50% of us carry it. The most important thing I think with herpes one, um, is that, and I know this sounds funny, don't kiss the babies, like babies are really susceptible, unfortunately, to getting sick.

So even herpes one, if you carry the virus and you kiss an infant [00:02:00] who has not developed any antibodies toward. They actually can get really sick. Now, that doesn't mean so be so paranoid that you never even touch the baby, but if it's not your infant, where you're giving the baby either breast milk or you're giving the baby antibodies through the delivery, maybe don't kiss.

Kiss that baby on their skin. Okay, so herpes common, not dangerous, can be transmitted even without lesions. How would you know that you have it is either, oh, I get cold sores, or, oh, I got blood tested. How can you, um, prevent it? You can't. It's part of life. And what should you do about treatment? If you get a ton of cold sores, you could take Valtrex, Valcyclovir, I should say, is a generic every day.

But if you don't get them that often, most people just have that bottle at home. The minute you feel tingling, you take it twice a day for three to five days. The protocol I stick to, there's a lot of other protocols for slightly other generic medications, but they're all versions of the same thing. You can also use L Lycine, which is a natural product that people can take every day to help decrease the chance.

Um, that's it. I hope you're well. It's Friday. [00:03:00] I'm trying to do quick ones, but this is already three minutes. Ah,